Rhythm Documentation

Hello & Welcome! Thank you for purchasing!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this page. Find more React templates on https://themeforest.net/user/srbthemes/portfolio.

Updated: 07/09/2024

Template Features

  • One Page and Multi Page Demos
  • 50+ Different Demos
  • 40+ Portfolio Pages
  • 5 Single Project Pages
  • Light, Dark and Transparent Menu Bars
  • Isotope portfolio filtering
  • Fully responsive
  • Retina ready
  • Font Awesome 400+ icons
  • Powered with Bootstrap
  • Jarallax sections
  • Google Maps easy to setup via data attributes
  • 9 Blog layouts
  • 5 Posts variants (Text post, Image, Gallery, Video, Quote)
  • Powerful shortcodes
  • Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
  • Well documented
  • Clear & Neat design
  • FAQ Included

Getting Started

Unzip the archive and find out the folder Rhythm. There are all the template files in this folder. You can open the following files for viewing in browser.

1. Installa Node.js

  • Make sure to have Node.js installed & running on your computer. If you already have installed Node on your computer, you can skip this step if your existing node version is greater than 20. We suggest you to use LTS version of Node.js.
  • npm i/ npm install
    yarn/ npm add

2. Run Project

  • You have to folllow below commnds.
  • npm run dev
    yarn run dev

3. Build Directory

  • You have to folllow below commnds.
  • npm run build
    yarn build


To change logotype in the dark navigation panel, find image assets/images/logo-dark.png and replace it with your logo.

Note: to ensure Retina ready, the width and height of the image should be twice bigger than the values specified in the attributes width and height. By default, the tag’s attributes logo size is set 118x27, but the actual size of the image is 236x54px.

To change logotype in the white navigation panel, find image assets/images/logo-white.png and replace it with your own logo.

Note: to ensure Retina ready, the width and height of the image should be twice bigger than the values specified in the attributes width and height. By default, the tag’s attributes logo size is set 118x27, but the actual size of the image is 236x54px.

Menu Bar

You can choose one of the few variants for the navigation bar:

  • White menu bar
  • White menu bar (transparent)
  • Dark menu bar
  • Dark menu bar (transparent)

White Menu Bar

React structure of the White Menu Bar looks like this:


White menu bar (transparent)

The React structure of the White menu bar (transparent) is similar to the structure of White Menu Bar but has extra classes:


Dark Menu Bar

The React structure of the Dark Menu Bar is similar to the structure of White Menu Bar but has extra class — dark:


Dark Menu Bar (transparent)

The React structure of the Dark Menu Bar (transparent) is similar to the structure of White Menu Bar but has extra classes:


Menu Bar: top fixed

To make the menu bar fixed to top, add extra class — stick-fixed:


Page Section

The standard section has the following React structure:


About Studio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eu adipiscing lacus, a iaculis diam. Nullam placerat blandit auctor. Sed at enim ipsum. Nulla accumsan ipsum et nibh rhoncus, eget tempus sapien ultricies. Donec mollis lorem vehicula.

Section With Background

To change the background image, open React file and replace the value of data-background attribute of this construction:


Section Extra Classes

You can use next modification classes to customize page section:

Class Function: Modification class for <section> tag
To make dark background:
.bg-dark   .bg-dark-lighter
To make dark overlay:
.bg-dark-alfa-30   .bg-dark-alfa-50   .bg-dark-alfa-70   .bg-dark-alfa-90   .bg-dark-alfa
To make gray background:
.bg-gray   .bg-gray-lighter
To make light overlay:
.bg-light-alfa-30   .bg-light-alfa-50   .bg-light-alfa-70  .bg-light-alfa-90   .bg-light-alfa
To make color background:
.bg-yellow   .bg-orange   .bg-red   .bg-purple   .bg-blue   .bg-cyan   .bg-green
To make active color overlay:
.bg-color-alfa-30   .bg-color-alfa-50   .bg-color-alfa-70   .bg-color-alfa-90   .bg-color-alfa
Parallax for image background:
.parallax-1   .parallax-2   .parallax-3   .parallax-4   .parallax-5   .parallax-6   .parallax-7   .parallax-8   .parallax-9   .parallax-10

Note: If you want to use parallax, you need delete class bg-scroll from section tag.

Vertical Rhythm Utility

You can use next modification classes to set block margins and paddings:

Screen size: Modification class
mt-10   mt-20   ... mt-140
mb-10   mb-20   ... mb-140
pt-10   pt-20   ... pt-140
pb-10   pb-20   ... pb-140
max-width: 1200px
mt-lg-10   mt-lg-20   ... mt-lg-140
mb-lg-10   mb-lg-20   ... mb-lg-140
pt-lg-10   pt-lg-20   ... pt-lg-140
pb-lg-10   pb-lg-20   ... pb-lg-140
max-width: 1024px
mt-md-10   mt-md-20   ... mt-md-140
mb-md-10   mb-md-20   ... mb-md-140
pt-md-10   pt-md-20   ... pt-md-140
pb-md-10   pb-md-20   ... pb-md-140
max-width: 768px
mt-sm-10   mt-sm-20   ... mt-sm-140
mb-sm-10   mb-sm-20   ... mb-sm-140
pt-sm-10   pt-sm-20   ... pt-sm-140
pb-sm-10   pb-sm-20   ... pb-sm-140
max-width: 767px
mt-xs-10   mt-xs-20   ... mt-xs-140
mb-xs-10   mb-xs-20   ... mb-xs-140
pt-xs-10   pt-xs-20   ... pt-xs-140
pb-xs-10   pb-xs-20   ... pb-xs-140
max-width: 480px
mt-xxs-10   mt-xxs-20   ... mt-xxs-140
mb-xxs-10   mb-xxs-20   ... mb-xs-140
pt-xxs-10   pt-xxs-20   ... pt-xxs-140
pb-xxs-10   pb-xxs-20   ... pb-xxs-140

Portfolio Section

The structure of the filter of works looks like this:


Lightbox Project Item

The lightbox with photo project item structure looks like this:

  • Work


  • The lightbox with video project item structure looks like this:

  • Work


  • The last classes of the tag <li class="work-item mix category-1 category-2"> belong to categories by which the projects are filtered.

    Single Page Project Item

    The single React page project item structure looks like this:

  • Work


    External Page
  • The last classes of the tag <li class="work-item mix category-1 category-2"> belong to categories by which the projects are filtered.

    Google Maps

    Open your React file and replace this code of Google Maps embed with your own one:


    Here you can find an instruction how to generate your own Google Maps code.

    The Google Maps code looks like this:

    Open the map
    Close the map


    All the photos used in this template are intended only to illustrate the template and all the rights on them belong to their legal owners.

    1. React
    2. React Bootstrap
    3. Bootstrap
    4. Vite
    5. Smooth Scroll
    6. Jarallax
    7. Swiper
    8. React responsive mesonry
    9. Framer Motion


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this page - .


    v1.1.0 - 07 Sep 2024


    • Angular
    v1.0.0 - 17 July 2024
    • Initial Released

    © SRBThemes 2024